Monday, February 20, 2012

The First Post

Hello there, and welcome to my blog.

Cooking In The Wild, is meant to be a blog about my love of all things regarding eating and drinking and having a good time.

I am in no way a 'food snob'.
I do not dwell on calories, carbs or trans-fats.
I do not put emphasis on things being healthy, or in fact even remotely good for you.
I prefer my meals to be plentiful and tasty, rather than beautiful and tiny.

I guess that makes me somewhat of a low-class gastronome, but I am generally low-class anyway so who cares ;)

The "In The Wild" part refers to my having left the comforts of my mother's cooking, and being a single male with absolutely NO previous experience in home cooking. It basically revolves around me wildly flailing about in ignorance while I attempt to learn on my own what others all seem to know by instinct.

I am cooking in the wild, untamed and unbridled, making mistakes but learning from them and slowly getting better.

Welcome to my journey! It's going to be one tasty ride!

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